WEBINAR | Weds 18 September, 1 PM NZT

Understanding personal grievances

How to reduce risks and respond effectively.

Sylvie Thrush Marsh
Chief Evangelist | MyHR

What to expect

Personal grievances are the pointy end of employment law and can be especially costly and time-consuming for small businesses to deal with.

While there is no silver bullet to guarantee your employees (or ex-employees) won’t raise a personal grievance against you, there are some common-sense strategies that will help reduce the risks. And, if one of your employees does raise one, the good news is that there is a fairly straightforward process to help you navigate their claims.

Join MyHR’s Chief Evangelist, Sylvie, as she walks you through the personal grievance process. She’ll explain how to meet your legal obligations as an employer and share her insights and experience to help you handle claims and disputes effectively.

What you’ll learn:

  • What personal grievances (PGs) are, and the grounds for raising one.
  • Responding to a PG - timeframes, obligations, and options.
  • Mediation - what to expect, when to attend, and how to prepare.
  • Going to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA).
  • Records of settlement - what they are and when to use them.
  • Q&A session to answer your specific queries and concerns.

Join us for an informative and practical webinar - we look forward to seeing you there.

Date & time: Wednesday 18 September, 1 pm NZT. This will be an interactive session with live Q&A.

Meet the speakers

Sylvie Thrush Marsh
Chief Evangelist | MyHR

Sylvie is an award-winning senior HR generalist with capabilities across all HR disciplines. She has worked with businesses across the spectrum, from start-ups to corporates, and brings a wealth of practical people and process experience to her work.